Hi! I'm Jen. I am a wedding photographer in Long Island NY.
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Wedding Photography
engagement Photography
Family Photography
Commercial Photography
For Photographers
We live in a connected world. We have access to each other, and products and services from across the world.
But how do you get your customers to find you, take interest in what you do, and buy your products- even though they’ve never actually seen them? The answer is hiring a professional commercial photographer.
If you were shopping online & came across these 2 choices, which image are you more likely to stop scrolling for?
You’d be more likely to purchase the one on the right- even if it cost a little more, and even though they’re the exact same product.
Your customers want to see the details & texture, different angles, and be able to envision what their experience with the product will be when it arrives at their doorstep.
A commercial photographer works for businesses, like yours. My job is to learn your brand inside and out. Learn about your product & what makes it special, and then show THAT to your customers.
Without being able to hold your product in their hands, your customers are making decisions about what to buy based off of your photos ( and description paragraph if they get that far). By giving your customers clear, high quality, professional photos, you can answer questions about size, color, texture, movement, use, etc. before they’re even asked. Resulting in much happier customers that love your business!
Photography Training