Hi! I'm Jen. I am a wedding photographer in Long Island NY.
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My husband and I have been on the hunt for our forever home. Last week, we thought we found it! However, after praying on it, we decided to keep looking. I felt a little bummed about it, having already planned the decor in my head. Then this package arrived.
My husband had ordered this perfume for me the day after we made that decision. He remembered me commenting on it while sniffing an insert of the Nordstrom catalog. I loved the sweet and soft scent and that it reminded me of our daughter, who we often call by her middle name, Grace. When I opened the package, I was shocked and filled with surprise and an immense amount of gratitude.
Every time I smell Philosophy’s Amazing Grace, I will be reminded of how much I have and how blessed I am. I might not have a huge yard, or a guest room, but I have the most thoughtful and loving husband, two perfect angels, and EVERYTHING I need.
When photographing your carefully chosen bridal details. I love getting a shot of the perfume. Scientist’s say that smell is the strongest sense tied to memory. Choosing the perfume or cologne that you will wear on your wedding day is just another way to help you remember and relive your wedding day. It may be your favorite scent that you have worn for years, or something new purchased just for the day. I’d love to know, what perfume will you be wearing when you walk down the aisle?
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